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 Find Out What's Blocking Your Weight Loss

Have you ever tried diets and workouts without getting the results you wanted?

Often the problem is not a lack of commitment, but an approach that does not take into account your specific needs.

With the S-Drive Epigenetic Test , we can discover what is blocking your weight loss and personalize your path to obtain concrete and lasting results.

Analisi dettagliata dei dati epigenetici, con focus su salute, nutrizione e stile di vita personalizzato

What is Epigenetic Testing?

The S-Drive Epigenetic Test is an advanced technology that analyzes over 800 epigenetic markers using the hair bulb. This test allows us to:


✅ Identify foods and habits that slow down your metabolism.


✅ Detect nutritional deficiencies.


✅ Analyze exposure to toxins and heavy metals.


✅ Identify metabolic and hormonal imbalances.


Armed with this information, we can build a customized plan to maximize your weight loss potential.

Why Does Epigenetic Testing Work?

Many weight loss programs fail because they ignore your unique characteristics. With the S-Drive Epigenetic Test, we can:


✅ Customize your diet plan to promote localized fat loss.


✅ Optimize your metabolism for faster, longer-lasting results.


✅ Improve your energy and overall well-being.


✅ Provide a scientific approach that eliminates futile attempts.

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Dimostrazione pratica di come viene effettuato il test epigenetico, utilizzando strumenti avanzati per l'analisi personalizza

How Does Epigenetic Testing Work?

A simple and fast path to concrete results


✅ Sample collection : We collect 3-4 hairs with the bulb quickly and non-invasively.

✅ Digital Analysis : The sample is scanned with advanced technology to identify over 800 epigenetic markers.

✅ Personalized Report : In just 15 minutes, you will receive a detailed report on your nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle.

✅ Tailored Plan : We use your results to create a personalized training and nutrition program, designed exclusively for you.

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Who Can Benefit from Epigenetic Testing?


This test is perfect for you if:


✅ You can't lose weight despite diets and exercises.


✅ You want to reduce fat in specific areas of your body.


✅ You often feel tired or lacking energy.


✅ You are looking for a scientific and targeted approach to improve your health.

The Benefits of Epigenetic Testing

Localized weight loss and improved health


✅ Targeted weight loss : Reduce fat in critical areas effectively


✅ Customized solutions : Each plan is tailor-made for your body


✅ Visible Results : Focus only on what really works for you.


✅ Total well-being : Not just aesthetics, but more energy and improved health.

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Laura, 42 anni

“Non riuscivo a capire perché non perdevo peso, nonostante seguissi diete e mi allenassi regolarmente. Grazie al Test Epigenetico e al percorso di Coach Andy, ho scoperto quali alimenti rallentavano il mio metabolismo. Finalmente ho visto i risultati: ho perso peso proprio nelle zone critiche e mi sento piena di energia."

Luca, 50 anni

"Avevo provato di tutto per eliminare il grasso addominale, ma niente funzionava. Con il Test Epigenetico, Andy ha individuato esattamente cosa bloccava il mio dimagrimento e mi ha guidato verso una dieta e un allenamento su misura. Ora, non solo ho raggiunto i miei obiettivi, ma mi sento anche più in forma di 10 anni fa!."

Giulia, 38 anni

“Dopo due gravidanze, non riuscivo a tornare in forma. Le soluzioni tradizionali non funzionavano per me. Il Test Epigenetico mi ha aiutata a capire come il mio corpo risponde al cibo e allo stress. In poche settimane ho visto cambiamenti che non avevo mai ottenuto prima!”

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